
  • In version 2.2.2 we made a change in the Retrieval of a Person and the Search for Persons.
    The respons field "firstname" was changed to "first_name" to conform to the JSON schemas.

Version 2.17


New features

  • Country: New endpoint: Fetch list of countries
  • Keyword: Create keyword. Lookup single keyword
  • Person: CRUD country, place and places of collaboration

Version 2.16


New features

  • Person: CRUD Contact information. Telephone, email and webpage.
  • Project: New search param multiple. Searching on params title, id, project_code, project_manager and participant using only this one param

Version 2.15


New features

  • Person: Allow creating person without national identification number.
  • Person: Allow manually declaring a person as verified in the absence of a national identification number.
  • Person: Manually verified persons are included in search results.
  • Person: Add search parameter verified=false returning unverified persons.
  • Unit: Unit lookup now includes acronym.

Version 2.14


New features

  • Person: Profile picture max upload size has been increased from 256kb to 1024kb.
  • Person: CRUD support for new field background on person.
  • Person: CRUD on person employments now requires header Cristin-Representing-Institution.
  • Person/Project: Description fields can be set to null when updating to erase all its content.
  • Unit: Unit search now includes search term country.
  • Unit: Unit lookup now shows its country of origin.

Version 2.13


New features

  • Person: Support for keywords related to a person.
  • Unit: Unit search results and unit lookup now include parent unit ids, simplifying the calculation of linked lists and hierarchies.
  • Project: Filter search results by project creator.
  • Project: Can add project creator to POST and is then included in GET.

Version 2.12


New features

  • New endpoint for browsing and searching keywords.
  • Person: Allow uploading profile picture.
  • Project: Support for adding related projects on project creation and update.
  • Project: Support for updating more description fields.
  • Project: Support for updating main language.
  • Project: Support for adding contact info on project creation and update.
  • Project: Support for adding project categories on project creation and update.
  • Project: Support for adding keywords on project creation and update.
  • Project: Support for adding funding on project creation and update.

Version 2.11


New features

  • Person: Restrict which institution to update employments at based on input header.

Version 2.10


New features

  • Update Person: Allow bulk update/replacement of person's affiliation data.
  • Lookup Person: New field for authorized user with more detailed affiliation data.
  • Create Person: Allow creation of person affiliation data in new field.
  • Create/Update Person: Allow affiliations with any institution.

Version 2.9


New features

  • Person Lookup: Returns the person's verified ORCID, if available. Accepts the ORCID as a parameter and will redirect to the corresponding Cristin id.
  • Update Person: Modify a person's ORCID using PATCH operations.
  • Create/Update Person: The API allows selected clients to create and modify person records, as well as manage their user entities and employment data.

API Changes

  • Projects and Results: When creating or modifying projects or results, their respective participant and contributor lists may now contain multiple occurrences of unidentified persons with the same name.

Patch versions

  • 2.9.2 / 2.9.3 (2022-06-17):
    • GET institution or unit by id: Allow reading inactive resources.
    • GET institution, unit, person, biobank, project, or result by id: Location header for redirect changed from absolute to relative locations.
    • GET project by id: Documentation and JSON schema corrected to reflect that funding sources have always been returned in the "project_funding_sources" field.
  • 2.9.1 (2022-01-26):
    • Allow Feide/Dataporten integration for selected Unit/Sikt users.

Version 2.8


New features

  • Projects: Clients can now POST and PATCH multiple titles at a time, including adding/removing titles.
  • Projects: Clients can now PATCH all participants.
  • Clients can now request descriptions in more than one system language using the lang parameter.

Patch versions

  • 2.8.4 (2021-12-01):
    • POST/PATCH results can now implicitly create journal entities.
  • 2.8.3 (2021-09-17):
    • Results: Fixed edge cases where the contributors preview would show additional, irrelevant contributors.
  • 2.8.2 (2021-04-29):
    • Search results for projects related to a given biobank are now also exposed as a convenience endpoint GET biobanks/{id}/projects.
    • Results lookup returns the current NVI level for publishers.
  • 2.8.1 (2021-02-15):
    • POST projects will tolerate null values for project descriptions.
    • POST projects will truncate long descriptions rather than rejecting the project.
    • Results lookup contains article number and media related fields.

Version 2.7


New features

  • Fundings/Grants: New resources for lookup and search among funding or grants.

API changes

  • Result Search results now include a preview of the author list / contributor list.
  • Result Search and Lookup now return more information on journals and publishers.

Patch versions

  • 2.7.1 (2020-12-18):
    • Fixed limitation that rejected larger POST/PATCH payloads

Version 2.6


New features

  • Project Search: Now allows to filter by keywords and active/inactive projects, as well as specific matching by parent unit instead of only by institution.
  • Both Project Search and Result Search introduce a parameter 'funding' that filters on the specific combination of funding source and grant id.
  • Result Lookup: Response now contains extended information on conferences, and all CHAPTER types point to their parent BOOK.
  • Person Lookup: Response now contains preferred form of name.
  • Several search parameters can now be duplicated, allowing to e.g. find projects that match several specific keywords.

API changes

  • All responses now contain a Strict-Transport-Security header enforcing the use of encrpyted connections.
  • Search results are now actually capped at 1000 per page.
  • POST and PATCH will no longer attempt to parse certain invalid date strings.

Patch versions

  • 2.6.1 (2020-06-05):
    • Fixed missing url for lectures and posters
    • Updated error message for POST /projects when size of descriptive text or title fields are too large

Version 2.5


New features

  • Biobank Search: New parameter 'project' allows to find biobanks associated with a given project. Alternatively available as a new sub-resource projects/{id}/biobanks. See details in the API documentation.
  • Person Search: New parameter 'user' allows to find persons by their username, see details in the API documentation.
  • Project Search: New parameter 'biobank' allows to find projects associated with a given biobank. New parameter 'participant' allows to find projects by any of their participants. See details in the API documentation.
  • Result Search: New parameters 'issn' and 'title', see details in the API documentation. Parameter 'contributor' now also matches author names specified per single result.

API changes

  • Biobank Search: Response now includes the biobank number assigned by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI/Biobankregisteret).
  • Project Search: Response can now be sorted by the project's start or end date.
  • Unit Lookup: Response now contains a "path" of all parent units from top to current level.
  • Responses for several entities now contain more text descriptions for codes to remove the need for cascaded API calls.

Patch versions

  • 2.5.2 (2020-04-30): Introduced new biobank material code 25, Bacterial isolate.
  • 2.5.1 (2020-03-31):
    • Project participants now allow missing affiliation.
    • Result contributor response now contains more affiliation data.
    • Fixed missing parent/child relations in some unit responses.

Version 2.4


New features

  • Project Search: New parameter 'user', see details in the API documentation
  • Unit Search: New parameter 'levels', see details in the API documentation

API changes

  • Result Search: Response for article now contain the field 'pages' with 'from', 'to' and 'count'
  • Persons with no affiliation or an inactive employment: No telephone number will be shown
  • Pagination: Generally for all responses that are a list of items
  • Header X-Total-Count: For all responses that are a list of items


  • Search: Escapes characters used in Lucene query syntax
  • Search: Handles the rare cases of non-existing items
  • Create Biobank: Validates associated project id


  • Headers Link and X-Total-Count: Are now exposed to the world for web clients to use
  • The use of a search engine/platform has been expanded to all search services
  • Bugs in JSON schemas fixed. Affects all schemas, but does not change the contract.

Patch versions

  • 2.4.4 (2020-01-22): Fixed funding sources that broke result queries with all fields
  • 2.4.3 (2020-01-16):
    • Fixed missing funding sources for results and projects
    • Removed spurious related projects from results
  • 2.4.2 (2019-12-02): Adjustment to a security filter
  • 2.4.1 (2019-11-21): Control characters are deleted from response text strings

Version 2.3

What is new

  • GET services for results (publications like articles, books, chapters of a book, ...):
    • Search for results
      • Result search response with header 'X-Total-Count' for total number of results
      • Result search sort order can be given by the 'sort' parameter
    • Retrieve a result based on its id
    • Retrieve a unit's results
    • Retrieve a person's results
    • Subresource for a result's contributors
    • Subresource for a book's chapters

These services are documented in the API documentation.

API changes

The GET results/{id} services has been replaced by the new result GET results/{id} service


A search engine/platform is introduced and is used for result search. It is indexing, querying, mapping the queries to results and ranking the outcome.

Patch versions

  • 2.3.7: Results Search handles the rare case of a non-existing result
  • 2.3.6: Create Biobank validates associated project id
  • 2.3.5: Fixes a bug in Results Search using the 'user' parameter
  • 2.3.4: Fixes a bug in Results Search using the 'doi' parameter
  • 2.3.3: Fixes a bug in Results Search
  • 2.3.2: Fixes bugs in Results Lookup and Results Search
  • 2.3.1: Fixes bugs in Projects Create and Biobanks Create

Version 2.2.1

What is new

  • This version sends an Email to the project manager when updating (PATCH) or creating (POST) new projects.
  • Technical upgrade.

Version 2.0.1

What is new

  • New services for dataset for projects (lookup, PUT, POST) are implemented in this version. These services are documented in the API documentation.
  • New Json-schema "unitsList_GET_response.json" is introduced in this version. Search for units (GET units?{parameters}) is based on this schema.
  • Lookup service for units (GET units/{id}) now retrieves the whole structure of the units and sub-units.
  • This version allows wild card (*) search for all search/filtering. You can use the asterisk (*) anywhere in a character string
  • Pagination for search/filtering is implemented in order to handle results with ease, for persons, biobanks, projects and institutions. See details in the API documentation.
  • Language filtering is implemented. Usage of language parameter in queries and other details are documented in the API documentation.
  • Lookup service for results (publications) is implemented and documented in the API documentation.

API changes

  • Lookup service for projects retrieves an additional information - patient oriented description (pasientrettet beskrivelse).
  • Json-schemas where there is a field for institution or unit are modified to accommodate the new format. All the services which make use of this new format are also modified in this version, e.g. in POST and GET projects designate coordinating institution as follows: "institution": \{ "cristin_institution_id": "185", ... \}, "unit": \{ ... \}.
  • Display format for keyword, HRCS categories, HRCS activities and project categories in project lookup is modified from list of strings to list of objects (code + name). The corresponding json-schema (projects_GET_POST_response.json) is also modified to accommodate these changes.

Version 1.1


From 25.02.2019 this version of the Cristin API is terminated.


  • Find, read, create and update projects (GET, POST, PATCH)
  • Find, read, create and update biobanks (GET, POST, PATCH)
  • Find and read persons (GET)
  • Find and read institutions (GET)
  • Read list of database codes (GET) for biobank materials and project participant roles

There are no separate release notes for previous versions of the Cristin REST API.